RTHK: Relocation Trends

RTHK: Relocation Trends

1 Apr 2020 

In an interview with Radio Television Hong Kong, RTHK, Rob Chipman, CEO of Asian Tigers Hong Kong, shared the significant changes in trends in relocations handled by them during Q1 of 2020. Based on Chipman’s statement, the Company recorded a whopping 64 percent increase in outbound shipments compared to previous years. This surge outpaced the outflow observed during the Asian Financial Crisis, SARS outbreak, and the 2008 financial slowdown. This is in comparison with a decline of 48% in the number of shipments arriving in the country, which signals a future problem.

Analysis of the Outbound Surge

This steep 64% increase in outbound shipment is unprecedented and pinpoints a sea change in the relocation pattern. This surge signifies that quite a number of local residents and businesses have decided to move out of Hong Kong. This could be influenced by some factors, including economic uncertainties, political instability, or even the after-effects of COVID-19 at a global level. Most decisions to relocate are influenced by different push and pull factors. Decision-making mainly takes the form of desires for stability, seeking better opportunities, or finding safe environments elsewhere.

Business Operations Impact

The increase in the number of outbound relocations has a number of operational implications for Asian Tigers Hong Kong. There will be a need to increase logistics, resources, and personnel so that the same level of service can be accorded to more customers. This further requires increased coordination with other international partners to facilitate the smooth transition of clients relocating abroad. The company may finally need to invest in the latest tracking and communication technologies to efficiently manage the higher workload brought about by this surge.

Decline in Inbound Shipments

The contrasting trend is the 48% decline in inbound shipments, with long-term implications for Hong Kong’s economy. Reduced inbound relocations suggest fewer people and businesses are moving into the region, perhaps due to the very same factors driving an outbound surge. This fall could affect so many industries, from real estate and retail to services—sectors dependent on new residents and businesses.

Future Prospects

The steep decline of inbound relocations is a worrying sign for the future. On the assumption that such a situation continues, Hong Kong might find itself struggling to attract new talent and investment—vitally necessary for its economic growth and further development. Policymakers and business leaders have to look at the reasons behind such trends and do something to reverse the decline and make Hong Kong appealing again.

Corporate Response

The Asian Tigers Hong Kong will therefore perhaps start adjusting its strategies to these trends. Probably the company will put more effort into improving its outbound services through offering tailor-made solutions that meet unique needs for clients who are relocating internationally. They may expand to new markets and new partners in an effort to reduce risks brought about by decline in demand for inbound relocations.

Community and Client Engagement

Contrasted against these trends, Asian Tigers Hong Kong can further grow its community and client outreach initiatives. It can help clients in uncertain times of relocation by providing them with effective insight, support, and resources. This approach is not only suitable for improving customer satisfaction but also for creating long-term relationships that are based on trust and reliability.


Trends pointed out by Rob Chipman of relocations mirror important demographic and economic changes in Hong Kong. That is to say, against the background of a huge fall in those coming in, the marked increase in the number of relocations going out indicates broad changes in society influenced by different global and local factors. Asian Tigers Hong Kong’s reaction to these trends is key to helping its clients adapt to changing market conditions. The firm can get past such challenges and continue to thrive in the relocation business by strategic planning, operational efficiency, and greater levels of client engagement.