Supporting the Global Goal to #doubletigers by 2022!
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Supporting the Global Goal to #doubletigers by 2022!
13 Dec 2017
The Saiga antelope is often poked fun at for its unusual look and big nose. This didn’t help to improve its status as a critically endangered animal. In a twist of fate, by planning to reintroduce its predator – the Tiger, the country of Kazakhstan is protecting these forgotten prey species too by restoring the landscape they all belong to.
Two newborn saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica) calves lying on ground, Cherniye Zemli (Black Earth) Nature
Reserve, Kalmykia, Russia, May 2009
Saiga in Former Tiger Habitat @ WILD WONDERS OF EUROPE/IGOR SHPILENOK / WWF.jpg
drawing Caspian Tiger drawing: WWF/Helmut Diller/WWF
Tiger that disappeared from Kazakhstan @ WWF / Helmut Dillerjpg
lii-Balkhash, targeted tiger reintroduction site @ Maxim Levitin.jpg
lii-Balkhash, where tigers will be reintroduced @ Maxim Levitin.jpg
2017 Highlights: Kazakhstan announced plans to reintroduce tigers to their country. If successful, it will be the first time tigers are brought across national borders.
Speaking of tigers on the move, shout out to Asian Tigers Group who is now supporting the global goal to #doubletigers by 2022!