Newsletter from WWF Singapore
Newsletter from WWF Singapore
14 Jun 2019
Here below is extracted from the newsletter of WWF Singapore:
The TX2 goal of doubling the number of wild tigers by 2022 is one of the most ambitious goals ever set for a single species. Tigers are the largest species of cat and one of the most iconic animals on the planet. There may have been over 100,000 tigers roaming this planet about a century ago. But by 2010, we had lost over 95% of the world’s wild tiger population to rampant poaching and habitat loss. As few as 3,200 of them were left.
We are grateful and encouraged by the tremendous support shown by our corporate partners such as Asian Tigers Group for renewing their support for another two years. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us! To learn more about the partnership visit here. To read the latest 2018 TX2 Annual Report, visit here.