Asian Tigers Singapore and Silk Relo – first companies earning the HRSI Human Resource Management - Diversity and Inclusion organizational certification!

Asian Tigers Singapore and Silk Relo – first companies earning the HRSI Human Resource Management - Diversity and Inclusion organizational certification!

Asian Tigers Singapore and Silk Relo – first companies earning the HRSI Human Resource Management – Diversity and Inclusion organizational certification!

29 Jun 2022

We are proud to announce that Asian Tigers Singapore (legal name: KC Dat (S) Pte Ltd) and Silk Relo are the first companies to achieve the highest standard of diversity and inclusion (D&I) by earning Human Resource Standards Institute (HRSI) organizational certification. This accomplishment shows that we are not only the D&I global leaders in the international relocation services industry but also the leaders in global human resources (HR) best practices. The HRSI certification validates Asian Tigers Singapore and Silk Relo HR processes are aligned with International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 30415:2021: Human resource management (HRM) – D&I standards. 

The press release from HRSI is available here

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