International Tiger Day Reflection

By Gordon Bell, Asian Tigers Group Chairman

As we celebrated International Tiger Day this week, I was proud to reflect on the significant strides we at Asian Tigers Group have made in the realm of wildlife conservation, particularly our efforts to preserve the majestic wild tigers and their ecosystems across Asia. Through our steadfast commitment and collaborations, notably with WWF-Singapore since 2017, we’ve spearheaded several critical initiatives aimed at reversing the troubling decline in tiger populations.

Our Tiger Action Fund, established in 2001, has been instrumental in these efforts, raising well over $600,000 USD and counting to support tigers in the wild. We’ve directed substantial resources to support the training of rangers in Cambodia’s Eastern Plains Landscape (EPL). By equipping them with SMART technology, we’ve enhanced their capability to monitor wildlife, track illegal activities, and gather essential data. Our efforts have led to the removal of over 1,200 snares and the dismantling of 13 illegal poaching and logging camps, significantly hindering operations that threaten both tigers and the broader ecosystem.

In addition to our work in Cambodia, we are particularly excited about the unique conservation initiative returning post-pandemic in Malaysia— Citizen Action for Tigers (CAT Walks). This program empowers regular citizens to participate in anti-poaching patrols, helping to safeguard the habitats of Malayan tigers by walking the forests, which in turn deters poaching and illegal logging. This direct involvement not only aids in conservation efforts but also raises community awareness and involvement in protecting these critical habitats.

Tigers, as apex predators, play an indispensable role in maintaining the health and diversity of ecosystems. Their protection is pivotal for the ecological balance, affecting various species and vegetation, which supports the intricate web of life. At Asian Tigers Group, we view our commitment to environmental sustainability as a core component of our corporate ethos. We believe it is our responsibility to ensure the environments we operate in are preserved for future generations.

As the world thinks about tigers briefly this week, I urge other leaders and organizations to recognize the importance of biodiversity and increase their conservation efforts. Together, with initiatives like SMART ranger training and CAT Walks, we can forge a path towards a sustainable future where both wildlife and humans thrive.

Thank you to everyone at Asian Tigers Group and our partners who dedicate themselves to these vital efforts. Your commitment is the cornerstone of our success in conservation. Let’s continue to inspire and lead in these endeavors, ensuring the survival of wild tigers and the health of our planet’s ecosystems.