Asian Tigers Singapore – Another Milestone Towards Our Sustainability

Asian Tigers Singapore Another Milestone Towards Our Sustainability 

26 Oct 2022

Date        Jun 2022 – 30 Nov 2022 

Time       –


Since June 2022, we begun the exciting milestone for the installation work of the solar panels. This notable investment involves a total of 665 panels, covering 75% of our 1,718 sq metres of roof area by end November 2022. The completed solar roof will generate electricity known as photovoltaics (PV) to charge up our electric forklifts and electric-powered carpentry, and to supply power to our storage facilities and office. 

By this move, we are glad to commit to an Annual Avoided Emissions of 131 metric tons CO2e. Moving towards Sustainability for all!

#Asian TigersSingapore #kcdat 

For more Asian Tigers Singapore’s news, please take a look at:

  1. Asian Tigers Singapore and Silk Relo – first companies earning the HRSI Human Resource Management – Diversity and Inclusion organizational certification!
  2. OMNI Award 2022 
  3. IT’S THE YEAR OF THE TIGER! WWF-Singapore’s AR-mazing Tiger Trail is Unveiled