American Chamber of Commerce Foundation 6th Annual Scholarship Run

American Chamber of Commerce Foundation 6th Annual Scholarship Run

6 Mar 2017 

Date       19 Feb 2017 

Time      10:00 am – 4:00 pm 

Venue   SM By The Bay

The Asian Tigers Group Philippines recently sponsored a rather significant event to improve Filipino lives—the American Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s 6th Annual Scholarship Run. The event witnessed very active participation from the Asian Tigers staff, who apart from supporting a noble cause, also learned lifelong lessons.

The Scholarship Run

Purpose of Event

The main point of the Annual Scholarship Run is to raise funds for scholarships that would enable underprivileged Filipino students to have a way of accessing quality education. All the money that shall be raised through donations at the event shall solely be used to fund the educational activities of the American Chamber of Commerce Foundation, thus assuring donors that their contributions do make a difference in the lives of many.

Participation and Activities

The event had varied race categories that enabled people of all age groups and levels of physical fitness to participate. The inclusiveness of the event allowed high turnouts, and the participants were serious runners, families, and casual joggers who added atmosphere with a sense of camaraderie and purpose.

Involvement of the Asian Tigers Group

Major Sponsorship

Major sponsor Asian Tigers Group Philippines helped make the event a huge success. Their sponsorship provided much-needed monetary support to the run and added organizational and promotional might behind it. This involvement underlines Asian Tigers’ commitment to corporate social responsibility and community engagement.

Staff Participation

Employees from Asian Tigers Group Philippines joined the run to be able to donate for a cause and experience it themselves. Of course, this creates team spirit and gives staff a sense of completion and satisfaction. It, at the same time, underlined the company’s emphasis on employee involvement in community service initiatives.

Community Impact

Education Support

Proceeds from the Scholarship Run will fund scholarships for worthy Filipino students. Such support opens opportunities to these students who want to pursue their academic goals and build better futures. The initiative also supports the Asian Tigers’ so it can contribute positively to the communities it serves.

Raising Awareness

In view of the run, Asian Tigers Group sponsors and participates to help in creating awareness about the importance of education and what scholarships impact. Their involvement draws attention to the cause, which encourages more organizations and individuals to contribute and support similar initiatives.

Looking Ahead

Continued Commitment

The Asian Tigers Group, Philippines, stands committed and highly devoted to supporting the American Chamber of Commerce Foundation and other similar causes. They appreciate this sort of event for its huge contributions toward developing communities and changing lives for the better. More sponsorships and participation will definitely establish them as a socially responsible corporate body.

Expanding Initiatives

The Asian Tigers Group is looking to build from the success of their Scholarship Run involvement with increased involvement in the community. These include new opportunities for supporting education, health, and welfare projects locally and regionally. All in all, it is looking to make lasting positive impacts through continuous meaningful contributions.


The 6th Annual Scholarship Run of the American Chamber of Commerce Foundation proved to be a big success, most particularly so because of great support coming from the Asian Tigers Group Philippines. It showed its commitment toward changing lives for the better and promoting education in the Philippines through its sponsorship and participation in this run. The event served not only to raise much-needed scholarship funds but also helped to galvanize the community into a common cause that made a difference. Asian Tigers Group will continue to support such initiatives in the future, further entrenching the importance of corporate social responsibility and community development.