Training & Sustainability in Moving with Asian Tigers Vietnam BM – Erwan Dallasta
In this episode of “The Global Move”, we explore how training and sustainability drive excellence in the moving industry. Our guest, Erwan Dallasta, Branch Manager of Asian Tigers Hanoi, shares insights from his 10 years in the field, highlighting the impact of continuous training, including the FIDI Masters in Moving (MiM) program.
Erwan also discusses his initiative to introduce Vietnam’s first electric vehicle (EV) fleet for relocation services, sourcing locally made EVs to enhance sustainability.
Join us as we uncover how strategic training and green solutions are shaping the future of international moving. For more insights, visit our FAQ chatbot:
Host: Welcome to the Global Move brought to you by Asian Tigers Group. I’m your hostAnd today we’re diving in to Vietnam to talk training with Erwan Dallasta, branch manager of the Asian Tigers office in Hanoi. Welcome, Erwan.
Erwan: All right. And thank you very much. Happy to be here.
Host: Thanks for joining. How long have you been in the moving industry?
Erwan: So I’m currently celebrating ten years in the moving industry and actually ten years at Asian Tigers in Hanoi.
Host: Oh wow. Congratulations. And, we hope there’s ten more.
Erwan: Yep, for sure.
Host: Fantastic. Erwin, today the topic is training. We’re diving into the importance of training in this industry and what value it creates for customers. How do you stay current with with things like training?
Erwan: The great thing we have within Asian Tigers group: we do organize frequently inside trainings with our other locations all across Asia. So I’ve been lucky to be training in Bangkok, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for those on various topics. And also Asian Tigers is very involved in our industry, especially in the FIDI organization which has their our own, intense training sessions. And I’ve just been back a few months ago from an MiM training week in Belgium. So that means Masters in Moving, which was an entire week dedicated on how we can make it better. You know, moving industry as managers, but also, hot topics like sustainability or diversity and inclusion.
Host: So how would, FIDI training like, Masters in Moving for example? I know you do a lot of training, but, maybe we talk about that FIDI training. How how would that help you stay, you know, in line with current sustainability and diversity initiatives?
Erwan: The great thing about this training was a week of open discussions with all the moving companies from all around the world, so we could listen to best practices. We also want to work on a project which is dedicated to sustainability for my Hanoi office. So, I am currently thinking about implementing an electric vehicle fleet for the Hanoi crew, which would be one of the first steps you can take locally for a better, sustainable moving world.
Host: Very cool electric vehicle fleet. Would that be a first in Vietnam?
Erwan: As a moving company? Yes. And the great thing as being based in Vietnam is we do have a local brand of electric vehicles so we can source locally, which is even better off on the entire sustainability topic. We want sustainable vehicles produced locally and we can do it.
Host: That’s awesome. And I understand it’s not easy to import electric vehicles into Vietnam. So getting them, manufactured sourced there would be amazing.
Erwan: Exactly. We can help our clients with electric vehicles when they want to bring them from oversea to to Vietnam. Once we have the opportunity for own crew’s, let’s buy locally.
Host: That’s awesome. This is great, Erwan. I don’t think many people outside the moving industry realize how important this type of training is, and the value that it adds for customers.
Erwan: Sure. Indeed, when you when you see movers coming to your place, you use your crew carrying boxes and those boxes are carried away until you move to your new destinations. But there’s so much more behind the scenes. All those steps behind means that sustainability is everywhere, is everywhere, and we need to get, to stay on top of it. So thanks to those trainings we organized.
Host: So ten years in Vietnam. What’s kept you there? What do you love about Vietnam?
Erwan: It’s a dynamic country, one of the fastest growing economy in the world for the last ten years, actually. And it’s still going on. So every day there’s something new opening outside. It’s just dynamic. And it’s great to be in Asia.
Host: Very cool. Thanks so much for your time today, everyone. Really appreciate it.
Erwan: Sure. You’re welcome. And don’t forget to chose Asian Tigers.
Host: Every time.