4 Nov 2019 

Date        27 Oct 2019 2 Nov 2019 

Time       –

Venue    Seoul, South Korea

Asian Tigers Group was honored to be a part of the annual FIDI EIM 2019 conference, attended by leaders and professionals from the International Moving Industry. The yearly FIDI Conference is the main platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and discussion of industry trends.

Conference Highlights

Industry Leadership

The FIDI EIM Conference is where industry leaders come to share their insights and strategies for navigating the dynamic international moving and relocation landscape. Asian Tigers Group participated actively in the discussions, sharing their experience while learning from others.

Networking and Collaboration

A very big part of the FIDI EIM conference is networking. Asian Tigers Group used this platform to continue building relationships with fellow industry players. This included exploring potential cooperation and exchange of best practices for further collaboration. This kind of engagement is basic to building a community of shared knowledge and mutual support necessary for growth and innovation in the industry.

Knowledge Exchange

It was a very knowledgeable conference that included various sessions, workshops, and panel discussions on themes connected with the moving industry. These included such topics as improvements in logistics technology and regulatory changes, excellence in customer service, and green practices. Participants of the Asian Tigers Group joined these sessions to update themselves with the latest trends and innovations so that services can always be kept at the cutting edge and attuned to market needs.

Commitment to Excellence

The Asian Tigers Group’s involvement in the FIDI EIM 2019 demonstrates their commitment to excellence and improvement. With their presence at this main industry event, it would be of great help in tuning processes finer, upgrading to new technologies, and improving service products.

Embracing Innovation

Key among the takeaways from the conference was embracing innovation. The world is changing fast, and technology is at the very core of the changes happening in the international moving industry, driving improvement in operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Asian Tigers Group embraces these innovations into their operations so that they can continue to offer the best service possible for their clients.

Sustainability Practices

The big word at the FIDI EIM 2019 conference was sustainability. Industry leaders shared their visions of the need to turn green, with respect to reducing the impact of moving operations on the environment. Asian Tigers Group is committed to sustainability and is always looking for ways to introduce green practices into their business model. This includes reducing carbon emissions with better logistics to avoid wastage and using sustainable materials whenever possible.

Forwards Looking

The knowledge and insights FIDI EIM 2019 provides will be very instrumental for the Asian Tigers Group in formulating its future strategies. It is an international moving industry leadership that is focused on constant improvement of service, embracing innovation, and upholding its commitment to sustainability.


The active participation of the Asian Tigers Group in the FIDI EIM 2019 conference underlines industry leadership, continual improvement, and best practices. From the interaction with fellow moving companies to embracing new trends, this company will maintain their lead in the international moving industry. That shows an undying quest for excellence and innovation, hence making Asian Tigers Group a trustworthy partner for any client anywhere in the world.