Pad Thai Party & Musical Soirée for Thai Eyes 2017

Pad Thai Party & Musical Soirée for Thai Eyes 2017

31 May 2017

Date       24 May 2017 

Time      6:00 pm – 10:00 pm 

Venue   Garden of the British Embassy 

On the 24th of May, the Asian Tigers Group Thailand had a fund-raising event held at the beautiful gardens of the British Embassy, featuring Pad Thai Party and Musical Soiree. The fundraising activity focused on People Eye Care Foundation of Thailand, an activity geared towards correcting poor vision and blindness in the rural areas by reinstating the eye-sight. This further supports Asian Tigers Group Thailand’s stance on the foundation and its strive to make a difference in the community.

Event Highlights

Venue and Atmosphere

The setting, with the beautiful gardens of the British Embassy, provided a warm atmosphere for guests. Delicious Pad Thai and live music set up the evening to have good fun and engagement. It made people feel they were part of a community with a purpose.

Culinary Delight

The famous Thai dish was Pad Thai, the main attraction for the evening. Guests were served full culinary with food while donning a noble cause. Serving and preparing Pad Thai added to the authenticity of the event and celebrated Thai culture and cuisine.

Musical Entertainment

Indeed, there were live musical performances in the evening, adding to the atmosphere and helping to entertain the guests. Music added a party element to the evening, which really made it easy for everybody to mix and chat while supporting fundraising efforts.

Supporting People Eye Care Foundation of Thailand

Mission and Impact

The People Eye Care Foundation, Thailand, works for the betterment of rural communities in terms of vision health. It attempts to serve eye care, surgeries, and treatment to such people who cannot afford it otherwise. The foundation strives to bring back vision and enhance living standards of people suffering from low or no vision.

Fundraising Goals

The event was held with the primary agenda of raising funds to enable the continuous works of the foundation. These funds would play the role of financing arm for eye surgeries, medical supplies, and outreach programs seeking to enlighten and treat people in remote areas. By being a sponsor of the foundation, Asian Tigers Group Thailand, supports a cause with tangible benefits given back to the community.

Asian Tigers Group Thailand Commitment 

Continuous Support

The Asian Tigers Group Thailand has maintained close interaction with the People Eye Care Foundation of Thailand. Their involvement is not only based on financial support, but also in terms of organizing and promoting events to create awareness among the public for fundraising. This accentuates their sense of responsibility towards corporate social welfare and community activities.

Community Engagement

The event reflects the broader mission of the Asian Tigers Group Thailand to engage with and support the local community. In addition to financial support, hosting and sponsoring events like this raise awareness of key health issues affecting rural populations. The given dedication shows an initiative for making a positive impact, feeling of community.

Looking Forward

Future Initiatives

Asian Tigers Group Thailand will still support the People Eye Care Foundation of Thailand and such other endeavors. Future activities and partnerships will be planned to advance the foundation’s cause and help more recipients of eye care services. They strongly believe that through such a strong partnership, their vision health improvement initiatives will significantly benefit the rural communities.


This was a very enjoyable event through which some much-needed funds were raised for the People Eye Care Foundation of Thailand by Asian Tigers Group Thailand. This evening put a strong focus on community support and social responsibility from a corporate level. It is through this kind of continued commitment and support that Asian Tigers Group Thailand really makes a difference to people who are in dire need—it truly brings out what corporate involvement can achieve in charity.