Auspicious Date for Moving Into A New House

Auspicious Date for Moving Into A New House

13 Sep 2022 

When you decide to move, you must first pick a date. However, choosing the right moving date does not depend on simple instincts, but there are tactics involved.

The Chinese have traditional wisdom when choosing a moving date. They would very often refer to the Chinese almanac to see whether their favored date is auspicious for moving. They believe that moving on a good date can ensure a smooth and fortunate move with no accidents. If the Chinese almanac indicates that moving is not auspicious on a certain date, the Chinese will try to avoid that date and choose another. There are two commonly used elements in consideration when picking the moving date – the Chinese Zodiac and the orientation of your new house. Unless, of course, your planned moving date does not conflict with any of these. You’re good to go then. Otherwise, here are the auspicious dates suitable for moving into your new homes this September.

You can refer to the Chinese calendar for more auspicious dates. Indeed, the Chinese calendar contains much information in choosing the most auspicious and favorable dates for important events and activities such as moving houses. This traditional method is applied not only to moving but also to other critical life events like weddings. Selecting an auspicious wedding date is also similar in nature. In much the same way that an auspicious moving date would usher in good luck, so is an auspicious wedding date thought to guarantee a peaceful, prosperous marriage.

Some depend on the Chinese almanac while others depend on convenience. Most of them need to work during the weekdays and weekends; so, weekends become a popular choice for them. However, moving at the weekend may not be a good choice. You may need to pay an extra cost when asking to move on the weekend since some moving companies don’t recognize Sunday as a working day, thus having a Sunday surcharge. Moreover, some management offices do not entertain applications to move into their buildings on weekends or public holidays as they may have some misgivings about not inconveniencing neighbors. They may have some form of limitation with respect to weekends or public holidays for move-in requests. You may want to consider moving on weekdays to avoid the extra cost and restrictions.

Some may want to move immediately, but that might not be possible. People are advised to start their booking talk with the representative of the moving company as early as possible to reserve the particular date. The earlier you plan and book, the more likely you will secure a date that is convenient and auspicious according to the Chinese calendar.

On top of all the traditional wisdom of the Chinese calendar, there are also modern conveniences taken into account while choosing a moving date. For instance, keep away from peak moving seasons and coordinate your work schedule the most that you can. Balance between practicality with the traditional belief in auspicious dates is always a requirement for a smooth transition into the new home.

Need assistance with shipping or relocation support? Please do not hesitate to contact your local Asian Tigers office, or you may send us an inquiry through our online contact us. Asian Tigers is the expert on making your relocation as seamless and hassle-free as possible, whether moving locally or internationally. This team has experience with the details of picking the right date and managing all the logistical details associated with your move.

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