Asian Tigers Movie Day 2017

Asian Tigers Movie Day 2017

26 Jul 2017 

Date       22 Jul 2017 

Time     2:30pm – 5:00pm 

Venue   UA Cine Times, Hong Kong

Asian Tigers Group organized a delightful Movie Day event in 2017, creating an enjoyable experience for families and clients. This was an event that allowed the viewing of one of the popular family movies, where people could come together and relax. Held in a local theater, Movie Day received good attendance and gave all positive feedback on the family-friendly atmosphere and nice organization.

Event Highlights

Fun and Entertainment

The movie day was advertised as full of fun and enjoyment for families, plus a popular family movie that appeals to children as well as adults. This way, everybody could enjoy the experience and make it a memorable day for all participants.

Family Bonding

It was the perfect setting for families to bond and enjoy a casual day out. With an ambiance that allowed their clientele to enjoy quality time with their families, Asian Tigers Group established their responsibility toward upholding family values and customer satisfaction.

Positive Feedback

The welcoming atmosphere was mentioned most in appreciation of the effort put into the organization. This Movie Day enabled customers to view the company from a different perspective and on a more personal level, tightening the bond between clients and the Asian Tigers Group.

Community Engagement

Building Relationships

The movie day at Asian Tigers Group was much more than fun; rather, it was a strategic effort to come closer to clients and the community. It shows that the company is committed to engaging with clients on a personal level and sustaining their loyalty and trust through corporate social activities like these.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The event Movie Day also epitomizes the Asian Tigers Group’s concern for corporate social responsibility. By engaging in activities for families, it gave back to society and further enhanced its reputation as a caring and socially responsible organization.

Organization and Execution

Thoughtful Planning

The success of the event for Movie Day could be attributed to some very thoughtful planning and execution on the part of the company. Right from the choice of a popular family movie to booking a convenient and comfortable theater, to the final details regarding logistics being perfectly managed, everything was taken care of. This attention to detail ensured a flawless and enjoyable experience for all attendees.

Engaging Activities

Besides the movie screening, several interactive games and gifts for children made the event truly valuable. These would have added to making this day special for young visitors and created memorable moments from the event.

Forthcoming Events

Ongoing Commitment

Building on this success, similar events will be planned in the future by the Asian Tigers Group. These activities form part of a broader company strategy aimed at engaging clients and the community for some relaxation time, entertainment, and family bonding.

Expanding Reach

The reaction to the Movie Day event has been upbeat enough for the Asian Tigers Group to consider expanding it to other locations with similar events. By doing so, the company will be able to scatter its community engagement efforts and enable more people to have good times.


Success was Asian Tigers Group Movie Day 2017, making hundreds of families have joyful, unforgettable moments. Done with a deep mind and by focusing on family values, it helped in strengthening the relationship with the clients and showcased the commitment of the company toward community engagement. While looking forward to further events, Asian Tigers Group commits to creating meaningful enjoyment for their clients and families.