Asian Tigers Malaysia Granted FIDI Academy Diamond Award

FIDI Academy Diamond Award for 2023

Asian Tigers Malaysia is proud to announce that we have been awarded the FIDI Academy Diamond Award for 2023—the highest and most prestigious recognition from FIDI—testifying to our continued commitment towards the quest for industry knowledge and excellence among our people, further entrenching our leadership in the global relocation industry.

The FIDI Academy Diamond Award spells out the dedication of an organization to extraordinary training and development in the relocation industry. This belief in going beyond simple moving services is part of the Asian Tigers Malaysia culture, and extends beyond a simple move. We provide critical training modules that range from data privacy to anti-bribery and anti-corruption, environmental sustainability, and compliance with the latest ESG and D&I standards. In such a scenario, this approach will leave each team member empowered with knowledge and skill toward the achievement of industry standards at the very best.

This commitment does not just stay at the level of compliance; rather, it inculcates this culture of excellence and highest ethical practices into the nature of our corporation. We believe that a high propensity for these areas translates into efficiently serviced clients who are ethically and environmentally responsible. Only this kind of commitment towards holistic training and development sets Asian Tigers Malaysia apart in the competitive relocation industry.

Data privacy features as one of the intrinsic training subjects. We know how natural security concerns are in informational material, particularly to our clients. Our team is trained very aggressively to ensure that the personnel are current on the most recent protocols in data privacy, allowing us to deal with the data of clients strictly and confidentially.

Our program also covers anti bribery and anti corruption trainings. We do believe in business being run to the best of our integrity and transparency; as such, our staff members are consistently trained to enable them to identify and avert any practices that may prove unethical, hence ensuring operation that is fair and honest as well.

Another critical area of our focus is environmental sustainability. We are committed to minimizing our ecological footprint and promoting green practices in our operations. Training includes modules on environmental sustainability, and therefore, the team is empowered to make a difference with eco-friendly practices for a greener tomorrow.

We adhere to the latest ESG and D&I standards. Our company strives to build not only a diverse workplace but also an inclusive environment where everyone in our team feels that they are equally valued and respected. Through our training programs, we make sure to instill the spirit of diversity and inclusion within the employees.

Winning the FIDI Academy Diamond Award would not have been possible without the dedication and commitment of our staff. Their continuous learning attitude and steadfast dedication to excellence have been contributory factors to winning this accolade. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each team member for their hard work and dedication.

FIDI Academy Diamond Award and Asian Tigers Malaysia

To put it all together, the FIDI Academy Diamond Award is a great success scored by Asian Tigers Malaysia. It recognizes our commitment to the development of industry knowledge and excellence in the incorporation of key training in data privacy, anti-bribery, anti-corruption, environmental sustainability, and compliance with the latest standards on ESG and D&I. This award has belonged to the hard work and dedication of the employees, and we are humbled by its receipt. We only go forward, maintaining the highest standards in the relocation industry and continuing to provide topflight, ethical, and ecologically responsible services to our clients.

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