Asian Tigers Korea 33rd Company Anniversary

Asian Tigers Korea 33rd Company Anniversary

14 Jun 2017 

Date       20 May 2017 

Time      9:00 am – 7:00 pm 

Venue    Seoul Lotte City Hotel

The Asian Tigers Group’s Korean offices just celebrated their 33rd year in business. The celebration was marked by holding a big anniversary event at the Seoul Lotte City Hotel. The celebration brought all the employees together with one day of festivities, looking back, and going forward in zest.

The welcoming speech was done by Joseph Song, who set the tone of the event with gratitude and inspiration. Song’s speech put forward the company’s journey of three decades and insisted on the endless hard work and dedication of employees who have worked tirelessly to help the company achieve success. He stressed the slogans that had built Asian Tigers Korea into the enduring success it is today: teamwork, perseverance, and a service-minded attitude.

The next item on the program was the employee recognition awards, testifying to outstanding contributions and commitment from the staff. Employees who turned out exceptional performance and dedication over the past year were recognized, and their accomplishments duly acknowledged through thunderous applause. This part of the event simply recognized individual achievements, but it also conveyed the company culture that “Appreciation and Recognition” is all about.

The day was further enriched by the presence of guest speakers who shared their ideas and experiences. They represented a cross-section of sectors and gave insightful views on industry trends, excellence in customer service, and a changing relocation and moving scene. Their speeches were informative and motivational, thus providing new ideas and renewed enthusiasm for the attendees.

These team competition activities added much action and excitement to the celebration. Such events were tailored to help employees exercise their drives for teamwork, togetherness, and fun. Employees showed a remarkable interest in these competitions by participating and cheering each other up. This offered a refreshing break from work and further bonded them together to create a better working atmosphere.

The celebration was capped off with a team dinner that allowed everybody to unwind and enjoy one another’s company in a less formal atmosphere. Sharing stories, reflecting on the year that passed, and looking forward with optimism and determination were shared through dinner. It was a fitting end to a day which was celebratory at one time, inspiring at other times, but which finished up with the sense of pride and renewed commitment for all to their work.

It was a clear expression of commitment and loyalty to the company on the part of all employees from Asian Tigers Korea who sacrificed their weekends to be able to attend the event. More of a celebration of the past 33 years, the anniversary celebration was an occasion to further cement the values and vision laid down by the company. Reflecting on the success story of the past, revisiting challenges, and setting goals for the future, it gave them a platform.

The 33rd anniversary celebration of Asian Tigers Korea was successful in that it manifested the spirit of excellence, teamwork, and continuous improvement. Further down the road, the firm will maintain its tradition of exceptional service and reputation for being one of the best in the industry of relocation and moving. This was a testament to the strength binding the company into one with one vision—many more years of success and growth.

This anniversary event really seemed to celebrate past glories and was definitely the stepping stone toward future aspirations. It showed more of a strong foundation laid down through the years and unwavering commitment of the company toward its employees and customers. With renewed energy and service excellence on board, Asian Tigers Korea is well-placed in feeling optimistic about furthering that legacy through the years ahead.