Asian Tigers Group Managers Meeting

Asian Tigers Group Managers Meeting

6 Mar 2017 

Date     13 Feb 2017 – 18 Feb 2017 

Time     9:00 am – 5:00 pm 

Venue   Singapore

The recent Asian Tigers Group Managers Meeting, zeroing in on the enhancement of customer satisfaction and driving beyond expectations, brought together key managers from varied regions for discussing strategies of continuous improvement and value addition with a view to bringing benefits to clients and network partners.

Strategic Discussions

Enhancing Customer Experience

Following that were strategies that would improve the customer experience. The managers exchanged ideas and best practices on how best to understand their customers in order to meet their needs, from fine-tuning communication channels and process streamlining to the implementation of innovative solutions in delivering remarkable service.

Commitment to Quality

Another major theme was quality assurance. Managers reviewed the present quality control measures and pinpointed areas for improvement in such measures. The goal is to make sure that every relocation handled by Asian Tigers measures up to the highest standards of quality and professionalism. Only then can such commitment to quality serve in retaining client trust and satisfaction.

Collaborative Efforts

Team Building

The meeting also emphasized the importance of teamwork and working together. The visions of managers can be combined to work towards a more cohesively functioning organization. Team-building activities were a part of this and were held in order to enhance relations and cooperation between different regional teams.

Training and Development

The managers focused on the growth opportunities by investing in employee training and development. The different programs of training and initiatives targeted at empowering the employees with relevant skills and knowledge for the roles they serve. In this respect, continuous learning and development would be very instrumental in maintaining high standards and achieving long-term success.

Innovation and Technology

Embracing Technology

Efficiency enhancement and improvement in service delivery were discussed in view of the role of technology. New technological tools and platforms that may create ease of operation and improve customer relationships have been examined by the managers.Asian Tigers strives to stay ahead of industry trends and leverage technology in the interest of providing leading-edge solutions for clients.

Data-Driven Decisions

The role of data analytics in driving decision-making was emphasized. The managers debated how data is used to understand customer preferences, optimize routes, and enhance service delivery. Such a data-driven approach ensures that the company is making informed decisions to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Looking Forward


The meeting ended with the setting of some ambitious goals for next year. These goals are surely in line with the mission of the Company: to provide greater value to clients and network partners. Managers have left with a clear roadmap and renewed commitment to achieve these objectives.

Continuous Improvement

Improvement remains the keystone of the Asian Tigers Group. The findings and the plans birthed out of this managers meeting shall be integrated into the operations for further progress and innovation. This will keep the company at the forefront of the relocation industry in terms of service delivery to clientele across the world.


One mega-event that encapsulates the excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction of the company was the Asian Tigers Group Managers Meeting. The company is very well-prepared to exceed expectations of customers and bring extraordinary values to them with proper collaboration, investment in technology, and concern for quality. The strategies and goals set in the meeting will guide the continuous efforts of the company in excelling and achieving success in the competitive relocation business.