Wonderworks Golf Tournament at Templer Park

Wonderworks Golf Tournament at Templer Park

19 May 2017

Date       9 May 2017 

Time      8:00 am – 

Venue   Templer Park Golf Resort 

Asia’s Tigers Malaysia is proud to have sponsored the WONDERWorks Charity Golf Tournament last May 9th. This well-received event raised over MYR 30,000, which is bound to aid projects working on uplifting vulnerable women and children. The proceeds will particularly flow into Project Dignity, which helps rural schoolgirls stay in school with appropriate facilities and support.

Event Highlights

Golf Tournament

The WONDERWorks golf tournament was held to bring people together for a day of sport and charity. Though the event was competitive, it had the underlying purpose of creating awareness and raising funds toward some of the key social issues. Participants partook in a well-run tournament that combined their love of the game with a worthy cause.

Fundraising Success

The event achieved its fundraising milestone of over MYR 30,000 for WONDERWorks, all going toward supporting vulnerable women and children in its efforts. The success of this event is a testament to the generosity of participants and how effective the outreach of an organization can be.

Project Dignity — Support for Vulnerable Women and Children

A significant portion of the funds will be used for Project Dignity, focusing on keeping girls in rural schools. It removes barriers to education by providing relevant materials such as school stationery, uniforms, and sanitary products. The project works in reducing dropout rates and empowers young girls to pursue education.

Greater Impact

Apart from Project Dignity, funds will also be utilized on a number of programs that assist women and children in need. These include education support, health initiatives, and empowerment projects that help people within these communities improve their quality of life. Sponsorship from Asian Tigers Malaysia provides the required finance to enable these programs to really make a difference.

Asian Tigers Malaysia’s Commitment

Corporate Social Responsibility

Asian Tigers Malaysia actively sponsored the WONDERWorks Golf Tournament as a reflection of its strong commitment toward corporate social responsibility. The company commits to making a positive difference in society through events and activities for the benefit of the community. It is not just about financial contributions but a concern for social issues and an ability to do some social good.

Engaging Employees

The event also turned into one of community service by the Asian Tigers Malaysia employees. Staff played in the tournament thus helping to raise money while experiencing first-hand how their company’s support impacts the beneficiaries. Such involvement fosters a sense of pride and purpose among employees, thus reinforcing values and the commitment the company has toward social responsibility.

Future Initiatives

Continued Support

Asian Tigers Malaysia will continue to support WONDERWorks, as well as help out in as many other initiatives as possible. Sponsorship and partnership in the future will be done for the expansion of coverage and effect among more vulnerable populations. Staying committed to its corporate social responsibility will enable Asian Tigers Malaysia to create a lasting difference.

Broader Impact

The success of the WONDERWorks Golf Tournament sets a precedent for future activities. The event inspires Asian Tigers Malaysia to further explore more opportunities in community engagement and support. All these efforts will remain focused on education, health, and empowerment, as dictated by its corporate mission to give back to society.


The WONDERWorks Golf Tournament was held in which Asian Tigers Malaysia participated and sponsored the event, raising over MYR 30,000 for the support of vulnerable women and children. These funds have specifically enabled Project Dignity to help rural schoolgirls stay at school. This event is expected to highlight Asian Tigers Malaysia’s serious concerns toward corporate social responsibility and concern for society. They will pursue this further by ascertaining that future initiatives and partnerships leave a positive mark on society.