UNIS Sunsational Spring Fair 2017

UNIS Sunsational Spring Fair 2017

13 Apr 2017 

Date       25 Mar 2017 

Time      11:00 am 4:00 pm 

Venue   United Nations International School of Hanoi

Asian Tigers Group Vietnam was pleased to be one of the major Lotus sponsors for the “Sunsational Spring Fair,” an annual event of the United Nations International School of Hanoi on March 25, 2017. It is one of those events on the school calendar that brings students, parents, and the wider community together in a fun-tastic day of food, festivals, and lots of fun with a great tropical theme.

The setting was organized to portray the lively tropical atmosphere that included bright color settings, themed stalls, and various activities that put one in a feel of sun-kissed paradise. Asian Tigers Group Vietnam made great contributions to the festive setting by putting in their touches with a variety of activities and attractions.

Undoubtedly, the Asian Tigers booth’s most spirited attraction was their mascot—a very energetic tiger. Children had thronged the stand for balloons and to play with the lively Tiger. A mascot brought some excitement and cheer, reflecting smiles and laughter in the kids at the fair. Elated, the children were seen running around with nice, colorful balloons, painting a bright, cheerful picture.

A talented balloon blower complemented the roaming Tiger mascot, twisting a myriad of balloon animals. This turned out to be an extremely popular activity for the children, as indicated by the long line of patients waiting to have their favorite animal made. Thereafter, the ingenuity and skill of the balloon artist in devising intricate designs left the kids in a state of awe, further adding magic to the day’s proceedings.

Adding to the tropical ambience, some tropical photo booths were set up by the Asian Tigers Group Vietnam that turned into centers of action. Equipped with lighthearted fun masks of Tigers and other related props, guests could take lively, memorable photos. Very sportive and endearing to both kids and adults, these photo booths provided just the perfect way to capture all those fun-filled moments of the day. The tropical setting with thematic props made the captured pictures highly coloured and full of character, which made the memories of the event unforgettable for every participant.

The food stalls were of par excellence, offering great food from many countries. Guests could sample a great variety of dishes in this international culinary experience that reflected the very diversity of the United Nations International School of Hanoi. From salty treats to sweet ones, the food stalls were truly a gastronomic delight that satisfied guests’ appetites and added to the pleasure of the event.

Apart from food, a host of games and activities were provided to help entertain children of all ages. The games, stationed all over the fair, presented endless amusement and challenges for the young guests, keeping them engaged and active. Games, cuisine, and themed activities all combined into an energetic, festive environment that made the “Sunsational Spring Fair” certainly an event worth having fun at for all those involved.

The Asian Tigers Group Vietnam’s participation in the fair as one of the major Lotus sponsors marked their commitment toward community engagement and supporting educational activities. They contributed to the festive atmosphere of the event with entertainment that kept people smiling all day long. The positive impact resulting from their involvement was in the form of smiles and laughter, which became an essence of the atmosphere all day.

The “Sunsational Spring Fair” was much more than just another school event; it was an occasion that brought community spirit, cultural diversity, and shared joy together. Asian Tigers Group Vietnam is highly privileged to be associated with this wonderful event, and its contributions are highly appreciated by the UNIS community. Families, friends, and the larger community came together in joy at the fair.

In summary, the United Nations International School of Hanoi’s “Sunsational Spring Fair,” held on March 25, 2017, was a huge success. The sponsorship and active participation by Asian Tigers Group Vietnam made this event extremely memorable and enjoyable. Their activities, from the engaging mascot of the tiger and balloon artist to the tropical photo booths, added a special touch to the fair in ensuring that everybody was having great fun. It was so community-oriented, a joyful event, leaving the guests with so many sweet memories and togetherness.