Tiger Moving Box Series by Anja Elstner

Tiger Moving Box Series by Anja Elstner

Together with the creative Ms. Anja Elstner, we were excited about the development of turning our packing cartons into such beautiful unique art pieces. Not only does this innovative project show creativity, but it is also relevant to our care and consideration for the environment and community service.

Ms. Anja Elstner relocated with Asian Tigers from Hong Kong to Singapore in August 2019. It was during this relocation that she found the perfect opportunity to reuse the packing cartons used while moving to create something useful. Instead of_critical discarding these cartons, Anja decided to reuse carton boxes and came out with magnificent works of art. This idea underlines the existence of an artistic streak in her personality and her regard towards the welfare of the environment. Her work is available on her Instagram account @anjaelsti_art where she shares her pieces quite often.

The journey with these recycled materials has changed radically for Anja. She has an upcoming exhibition in Jurong under the Jurong Health Fund to showcase her artworks, made from such transformed cartons. This exhibition speaks to much more than just the presentation of art; it is testimony to the potential within upcycling and beauties that can come out of a lot of materials normally considered waste. Anja’s work reminds very firmly of the concept of sustainability, even in the simplest of creative ways by which we can contribute towards a greener planet.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition is going to be on Wednesday, September 20th, 2023, at Ng Teng Fong Hospital in Jurong. It is thus a unique moment in the growth of Anja’s art since it creates a space for her to share innovations in artwork with more people. To this end, it creates an opportunity through which the community can reach out and appreciate art, sustainability, and charity.

In fact, Anja does not only have plans that border on the exhibition. She intends to sell the art for charity and probably commercialize it in the near future. On one hand, this initiative helps her support her art, and on the other, it will contribute towards some non-profit, thus showing how art could be used to impact people’s lives. She intends to sell in order to put gains into various charity initiatives, further testifying to the selfless use of the art.

This is an example of how creativity can help drive sustainability and community engagement through the work by Ms. Anja Elstner, in which she turns our packing cartons into fine art pieces, reminding us how easily we can transform the simplest materials into something beautiful and meaningful. Any kind of support in the form of visiting the exhibit will put all of us in a position to uphold the cause of sustainability and charitable initiatives alike.

We, at Asian Tigers, certainly don’t fail to feel proud about being associated with such a transformative creative project. Ms. Anja Elstner’s work reflects the creative spirit that we appreciate so much at Asian Tigers. Her strong commitment to sustainability and charity aligns very much with our corporate values. Go see the exhibition at Ng Teng Fong Hospital in Jurong on September 20th, 2023, and be amazed at how our packing cartons morph into works of art. We celebrate this fusion of art, sustainability, and community support together and hope that such initiatives are more encouraged.