Tanglin Trust School Summer Fete 2019

Tanglin Trust School Summer Fete 2019

21 May 2019  

Date       11 May 2019 

Time      10:00am – 4:00pm

The Tanglin Trust School Summer Fete 2019 was an absolutely fantastic and joyful occasion, creating a genuine atmosphere of community contribution from families, students, and staff. Not least among these contributions was the outstanding support by Asian Tigers Singapore. Their continued support in terms of material supply in just making many things possible significantly raised the bar in this important visitor experience and even made one of the most popular stalls at the event possible.

The festive summer fete organized in school by the Parent-Teacher Association is the annual marathon high point bringing the school community together in celebration and fund-raising. This year was no exception, with a wide array of stalls, games, and entertainment for young and old. It buzzed with the sound of laughter and music, filled with excited children and parents talking, making a real festival out of the end of the school year and beginning of summer.

One of the features of this fete was the stall of books, clothes, or toys. This used to be the talk of the town, especially how people get a great chance to purchase pre-loved items at the lowest selling price affordable to everyone. This depended on the support of Asian tigers Singapore.

The PTA Team of Tanglin Trust School have conveyed their most grateful thanks to Asian Tigers Singapore for their on-going support of the PTA. “We would like to thank profusely Asian Tigers Singapore for your continuous support at our summer fair. Your provision of the boxes, bags, and tape makes one of our biggest and most popular stalls possible – without your contribution; we simply would not be able to supply the community with books, clothing, and toys as we do.”

The big boxes, bags, and tape offered by Asian Tigers Singapore were really helpful in packaging and packing the abundant donations, which assured that the books, clothes, and toys would be well categorized, packed, and created into the perfect sense for display, so that it ended making it easier for shoppers to access what they would want to buy. Asian Tigers Singapore provided all the logistical support, which helped the PTA concentrate solely on its working at the stall smoothly and working efficiently to make the fete a huge success.

The overwhelming positive feedback to the great value purchases that were made by families in support of the school’s good cause. In every summer fete, the money raised is so important to fund a range of school projects, resources for curricular and co curricular activities of the school, and improving the environment of learning by students. So, the contribution that the book, clothing, and toy stalls directly made manifests itself in the fortunes of the school.

The participation in the occasion by the Asian Tigers Singapore also demonstrated that they are a committed and involved part of the backup services in community spirited educational campaigns and movements. The participation was not just in the provision of materials; it was a prototype of the shared values and commitments toward the improvement of the school community. A good example is the appreciation message from the PTA Team, which sends a strong message that the involvement of Asian Tigers Group was not only for the benefit but also the overall success of the event.

The Tanglin Trust School Summer Fete 2019 truly had been a fantastic experience and an epitome of what community engagement is all about. Asian Tigers Singapore again supported this year with massive success right from the very popular book, clothes, and toy stall. The supplies were placed in them and, therefore, made the stall operation easy, and the community benefited from the affordable items, and the school benefited with the raised funding. The heartfelt thanks from the PTA shows the appreciation of every party, and this event proves that such partnerships really have a positive influence on the school and the whole community.