Restore the Roar!

Restore the Roar!

Restore the Roar! 

10 Aug 2022 

2022 – Year of the Tiger – marked the twelfth anniversary of the WWF TX2 program. The lofty goal of TX2 is to double the number of tigers in the wild. While the official number of tigers in the wild has not been released, counties like Nepal and Malaysia have started witnessing concrete results of their work on TX2. 

Asian Tigers Group also has a key role. ATG has partnered with WWF-Singapore for more than six years to help reverse the declining population of wild tigers through our Tiger Action Fund. The Fund’s support for WWF-Singapore has been channeled to endow critical initiatives, including anti-poaching efforts, policy advocacy, and communications support.

“This partnership with WWF is an excellent opportunity to enable the Tiger Action Fund to have an even greater impact. We are confident that by combining our resources and talents, we can provide a boost to the TX2 goal of doubling wild tigers. We share the same values and commitment to a healthy planet for wildlife and people, so it was a natural fit between the Asian Tigers Group and WWF. We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship with the WWF and to ensure that the money the Asian Tigers Mobility group raised will have the maximum possible impact in reversing the decline in the wild tiger population around the world.” 

Gordon Bell, Chairman, Asian Tigers Group 

Asian Tigers Group also supported the operation in the recent success of WWF’s AR-mazing Tiger Trail-a 3-part island-wide trail in Singapore employing the latest augmented reality 

(AR) technology for an unforgettable visual experience. WWF’s AR-mazing liger Trail highlights the importance of tiger conservation and other vital environmental causes, combining art and technology to educate, excite and generate awareness. For the full article, click here. 

Asian Tigers Group is determined to support WWF in continuing to push forward in restoring tiger populations, working to improve the management of protected areas, and eliminating the illegal wildlife trade. Together, we can save tigers and restore the roar! 

For more detail of the TX2 program please click here. 

© Shutterstock / Bhasmang Mehta / WWF-International