Our Top 10 Work from Home Tips

Our Top 10 Work from Home Tips

Our Top 10 Work from Home Tips 

13 Jul 2021

If you’re new to working from home, or looking to improve your systems, check out our top 10 tips. 

Create a dedicated workspace 

Not everyone has the luxury of a spare room to use as a home office, but it’s important to create a dedicated workspace, even if it’s a desk in the corner of your bedroom or the end of your dining table. A dedicated workspace helps with productivity and to keep a separation between work and home life. 

Gather the necessary tools and resources 

It’s important to have the correct tools to work effectively and comfortably. Don’t make do with the wobbly spare dining chair or monitor that isn’t at the correct height for long “office” hours. 

Avoid a cramped and cluttered space 

Keeping your workspace uncluttered will help you to be more productive and less stressed.

Set and maintain a realistic routine 

One of the benefits of remote work is flexibility, yet without setting yourself a sensible routine, this flexibility can be a trap leading to procrastination or distraction. Also, consider the daily flow of your household so you can take advantage of quiet times and work around more disruptive times. 

Create start and end of day routines 

Set routines can help to get you into work mode at the beginning of your workday, keep you focused during the day, and transition to personal time at the end of the day. Bonus tip start or end your workday reviewing where you are up to and planning your next work session. This simple process can supercharge your productivity.

Communicate expectations with family and friends 

Regardless of whether you are working from home alone or sharing the space with others (working, home learning, or other), take time to discuss expectations with people in your life to avoid assumptions that you’ll be able to attend to all household matters or have more social calls because you’re working from home.

Schedule and take breaks 

Like any work environment, taking regular breaks is important for your health and productivity. Physically step away from your work to let your brain and body relax. 

Move your body 

Your body and brain work most effectively when it gets enough movement. Daily exercise and movement throughout the day have significant productivity and mental health benefits.

Actively maintain connections with your colleagues 

Being physically separated from your colleagues can be one of the biggest downsides of working from home, but it doesn’t need to be if you actively address it. Communicate frequently with your colleagues, including organising face-to-face meetings (online, or in-person). Just because you’re working from 

home, doesn’t mean you have to work in isolation. Communication is key to feeling connected and being part of a productive and effective team.

Review your setup 

After working at home for a while, take time to evaluate your workspace and working style. Try mixing things up if something isn’t working or you simply need a change. Keep at it until you have just the right combination that suits your personal style.