Lessons from the 2020 Olympics

Lessons from the 2020 Olympics

Lessons from the 2020 Olympics 

29 Jun 2021

The Tokyo 2020 Olympics (as the delayed Games are still officially called) are due to start in less than a month now, but what a journey it has been to get to this point. After being postponed by a year from the original 2020 dates due to the emergence of the covid-19 pandemic, uncertainty has continued to be a theme in the lead-up to the rescheduled Olympics.

Even as recently as a week ago, internet search results were heavily populated by questions along the lines of, “Will the Olympics go ahead?and “Should Japan cancel the games?”. The uncertainty has undeniably been a huge burden on those charged with organising the Games, but we can’t forget the additional stress placed upon the Olympic athletes.

The global pandemic has made us all a lot more resilient to uncertainty, but there are a number of lessons we can learn from the 2020 Olympics. 

Life is full of uncertainty, but as the Olympic organisers and athletes have had to do, we all have to make plans based on the best information available at the time, commit ourselves to that plan, and continually reassess and adjust plans as necessary. 

Opinions about the upcoming Olympics can easily be broken into two groups those who think the Games should be cancelled, and those who believe that “the greatest show on earth” is exactly what we need right now. The Olympic organisers have remained focused on their goal of holding a successful Olympic Games while limiting the risks associated with holding the Games during a global pandemic, while also aiming to maximise the joy given to the billions of people around the world who will watch the Games. 

If you have a big decision to make or have a significant project to undertake, think about how you can relate it to the 2020 Olympics. Regardless of the level of uncertainty or opposition you might be facing. It’s ultimately up to you to make your decisions and focus on your goals while also dealing with your supporters and those in opposition. 

For example, if you have been offered a job abroad and you weigh up if you should take the offer or not, you may be getting mixed reactions from family and friends some cautioning you about the dangers of travelling and living abroad during the current pandemic, and others marvelling at the amazing opportunity it would be and telling you not to miss out on the chance of a lifetime.

Making such a decision will also involve many unknown factors, and many things are likely to be out of your control. The best thing would be for you to focus on your personal goals and priorities when making your decision and acting with dedication and purpose as you move forward after making your decision. Also, considering why your family and friends might be taking their stance if they seem unsupportive or pushy will help you deal with their reactions. 

Regardless of if you think the Olympics should go ahead or not this year, wherever you may find yourself during the Games, take a moment to enjoy the spectacle and marvel at everything the organisers and athletes have had to do to make it happen. You might even find yourself inspired by the passion and dedication of everyone involved.