Required documents for import clearance:

  • Color copy (scanned color) of all used pages of shipper’s passport. For AIR Shipment, original passport of shipper will be required to be shown to customs
  • Color copy (scanned color) residence permit/stay permit of shipper (E-ITAS)
  • Color copy (scanned color) work permit notification of shipper (IMTA)
  • Color copy of arrival stamp when arriving in Indonesia
  • Color copy (scanned color) of flight ticket to Indonesia
  • Color copy (scanned color) of Boarding pass to Indonesia – only required for AIR shipment
  • Original Typed Packing List – not handwriting

These permits (E-ITAS and IMTA) must be valid for minimum 12 months, or one full year, and cannot be renewal permits.

For Air shipment: If permits are less than 52 weeks validity, the shipment will be rejected by customs and will have to be re-exported. The shipment must arrive in Indonesia within 3 months of shipper’s arrival stamp in passport (required to process the work permit). If the shipment arrives later than 3 months, the shipment will be rejected and will have to be re-exported.

For Sea shipment: If permits are less than 52 weeks validity/one full year, the shipment will be subject to import duties/taxes payable by shipper. We can advise in advance estimated import duties, dependent on the volume and origin of shipment.

For a duty-free clearance the shipment must arrive in Indonesia within 3 months of shipper’s arrival stamp in passport (required to process the work permit). If shipper has 2 shipments, the 2nd shipment should arrive within 3 months of the arrival of the 1st shipment and will be dutiable. if the 2nd shipment arrives later than 3 months, it will be rejected by Indonesian customs.

However, please do not ship before you seek approval and get green light from us related to all documents. Customs policies change from time to time, and we will update you of any changes during the initial correspondence.

MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DUTY-FREE IMPORTS: One shipment by air or sea. However, if there is an air and sea shipment, we can clear both as duty free, but please do not ship before you seek approval and get green light from us related to all documents. Customs policies change from time to time and we will update you of any changes during the initial correspondence.


Required documents that customs need on a duty-free basis for shipments to Indonesia:

  • Color copy all used pages of shipper’s passport. For AIR Shipment, original passport of shipper will be required to be shown to customs
  • Original letter from the Indonesian Embassy in host country stating the client’s arrival date in country, the date of return to Indonesia and that your shipper is bringing a shipment of household goods back to Indonesia (1 letter for each shipment on embassy’s letterhead)
  • Shipper reported to the Indonesian embassy in host country when he/she first arrived in the country with proof of Lapor Diri / Report Stamp in his/her passport.
  • Assignment and re-assignment letter - normally provided by the employer or a letter from school/university;
  • Shipper must have ‘arrival stamp’ in his/her passport as a proof of his/her return to Indonesia after completing his/her overseas study or assignment.
  • Original mover’s Packing List, each page certified, by the Indonesian Embassy at point of origin (NOT THE VALUATION LIST). If client has 2 shipments (air + sea), both packing lists should be certified separately. The Packing Lists must be TYPED, not handwritten.
  • Color copy of flight ticket to Indonesia
  • Color copy of boarding pass to Indonesia (required for AIR shipment only)
  • Your shipper has to have been overseas for a minimum of 12 months


For sea shipment – If shipper stays overseas less than 12 months and is willing to pay import duties, she/he still has to get the letter from Indonesian embassy and the certified / stamped packing list.

For Sea shipment: The shipment must arrive in Indonesia within 3 months of shipper’s arrival into Indonesia. If the shipment arrives than later 3 months, it will be subject to pay import duties.

For Air shipment - If shipper stays overseas less than 12 months – the air shipment will be rejected by customs and will have to be re-exported or considered abandoned.

For Air shipment: The shipment must arrive in Indonesia within 3 months of shipper’s arrival into Indonesia. If the shipment arrives later than 3 months, it will be rejected and will have to be re-exported.

Please note that a returning Indonesian citizen complying with the above documentation is entitled to one (not two) duty free shipments of used household goods and that the above documentation must be completed with the Indonesian. Embassy prior to their departure from overseas.

A diplomatic shipment is cleared under a form PP 8 which is processed by the embassy and a semi diplomatic shipment
(such as shipment for IMF/World Bank/United Nations) is cleared under a form PP 19. Part of the application process
requires the embassy/IMF/World Bank/United Nations to have original Bill of Lading or Air Waybill and packing list.
Below are docs that customs require for shipment under PP8/PP19:
• PP-8 or PP-19 document
• Endorsed BL
• Endorsed typed packing list
• Endorsed color copy of shipper’s Passport (front page)
• Endorsed color copy of shipper’s Diplomatic/ Semi Diplomatic ID Card
• Endorsed color copy of shipper’s Stay Permit
• Endorsed color copy of Passport + Diplomatic ID Card + Stay Permit of the authorized person, whose signature
is on the PP-8 / PP-19 document
• SKMK (if the Embassy / NGO is part of Piloting System)
• Original Objection letter for HICO SCAN process for diplomatic shipment, which is cleared under PP-8 doc
• Original Statement letter stating that shipper is working with the embassy/NGO only
• Original Authorization Letter for PPJK / Surat Pengajuan Pemberitahuan Pabean (on Embassy/ NGO letter head)
• Original Authorization Letter for taking Delivery Order of Shipping Line/ Forwarding
• Endorsed Valued Inventory
• Diplomatic Note and Signature Specimen of the authorized person who signs any letter on Embassy/ NGO letter
• PP-8 or PP-19 document
• Endorsed AWB
• Endorsed packing list
• Endorsed color copy of shipper’s Passport (Front Page)
• Endorsed color copy of shipper’s Diplomatic/ Semi Diplomatic ID Card
• Endorsed color copy of shipper’s Stay Permit
• Endorsed color copy of Passport + Diplomatic ID Card + Stay Permit of the authorized person whose signature
is on PP-8 / PP-19 document
• SKMK (if the Embassy / NGO is part of Piloting System)
• Original statement letter stating that he is working with the embassy/NGO and not working anywhere else
• Authorization Letter to PPJK – 2x original letter
• Valued Inventory on Embassy/ NGO letter head
• Diplomatic Note and Signature Specimen of the authorized person who signs any letter on Embassy/ NGO letter

• Color copy of all passport used pages from the wife and her husband
• Original Embassy letter from the Indonesian Embassy in host country stating the client’s arrival date in country,
the date of return to Indonesia and that your shipper is bringing a shipment of household goods back to
• Original mover’s CERTIFIED Packing List (each page) by the Indonesian Embassy at point of origin (NOT
THE VALUATION LIST). The Packing List must be a Typed Packing List – not handwritten
• Shipper reported to the Indonesian embassy in host country when she first arrived in the country
with a proof of Lapor Diri / Report Stamp in her passport - scanned color copy
• Shipper must have ‘arrival stamp’ in her passport as a proof of her return to Indonesia - color copy
• Marriage Certificate – color copy
• Residence Permit / Visa at Origin Country – color Copy
• ITAS / Stay Permit of Husband in Indonesia – color Copy
• E-Ticket / Boarding Pass – color copy
• Statement Letter from client which states that she is willing to pay import duty/tax - original letter
Note: This Shipment is ALWAYS subject to paying import duty.
You should also advise your non-diplomatic shipper of the following Indonesian customs regulations to ensure that their
shipment clears customs as quickly as possible:
- Only used household goods are permitted duty free entry. Any items in original factory cartons are classified as
new and may be dutiable. Include only one of each appliance or home entertainment component.
- Do not include car or motorcycle parts and guns.
- The number of bicycles included in any shipment must match with the amount of family members settling in
- Do not include electrical bicycle in the shipment.
- Do not include items which may appear to be for re-sale
- Statues are subject to be checked by Archeology Dept
- Prohibited Articles - Firearms, ammunitions, and explosives. Obscene literature, photographs, or films.
Politically “undesirable” literature. Foodstuffs and alcohol. Books, video tapes, laser discs, CD’s and audio tapes
are subject to censorship fees which can be expensive. Books of a political or religious nature which may be
offensive to Indonesia, Indonesians or Islam may be refused entry.
All inbound HHG shipments are subject to a physical examination by customs officials except for diplomatic shipments.
You should not dispatch a shipment from origin country until it is confirmed that your shipper complies
with all required documentation and receives the green light from us.

Whether you are moving abroad or simply moving locally,

Choose the experts.