How to Choose an International Moving Company to Relocate Abroad?

How to Choose an International Moving Company to Relocate Abroad?

How to Choose an International Moving Company to Relocate Abroad?

7 Jun 2022

Moving abroad involves extensively researching your destination country. But exploring the company that will impact your belongings often falls by the wayside. 

Knowing what to look for in an international moving company is a prerequisite for a smooth and successful relocation abroad. Experienced movers will take care of you through the entire process, ensuring that your move is safe, efficient, and compliant with your destination country’s regulations. 

Over the years, our team at Asian Tiger has helped countless clients both moving to Asia and moving from Asia to countries worldwide. As experts in moving internationally, we are happy to provide you with some advice on this topic. 

Why is it important to choose carefully? 

Moving abroad often means moving to a place with little or no safety net unless you already have family there. If you pick an unreliable partner for a moving company, it can mean that you have issues or experience hiccups in your moving plans. Furthermore, it can be a significant hurdle when you don’t have a safety net to fall back on. An example is when your moving company is unfamiliar with international freight laws or little-known regulations in your destination country. It could cause you to incur fines or even lose your belongings. 

Doing extensive research on your moving company is essential in preventing unforeseen consequences when a company doesn’t perform as expected. And once you and your belongings finally reach your new home abroad without incident, you will thank yourself for doing such meticulous research.

What to look out for in an international moving company 

Looking for an international company isn’t exactly easy, but following this short checklist can help you narrow your search:

1. Reputation 

Reviews are an obvious source for judging a company’s reputation. Just be sure to look at online reviews from multiple sources. It’s a good sign if a company replies to its customers’ negative Google reviews in a timely manner. In addition, you should consider its word-of-mouth reputation. If you know someone who has used the company before, they are a valuable source of firsthand information.

2. Look specifically for international moving companies 

Sometimes you’ll find local companies that say they can provide international moving services. But it is better to refine your search to companies specializing in the global relocation niche and find a company that is an international moving company first and foremost.

3. Accountability and responsiveness 

Contact and communication are critical to a good working relationship. One of the most significant indications of whether or not a company you are considering is reliable is how responsive they are to your communication. And another factor to keep in mind is how accountable they are willing to be. A fullying responsible company will be much more interested in monitoring your relocation through to the end. 

4. Customs expertise 

An excellent international mover will inform you of all anticipated charges, such as port fees and customs duties, and provide you with all your documentation requirements. Consult with your destination country’s local embassy or consulate if you are unsure of how well your mover is doing with this. 

How do you find and pick a company? 

Word of mouth and Google business reviews provide excellent sources of information, though you should take reviews with a grain of salt. Still, how the company responds to reviews can give valuable insights into their disposition and behavior. You should also pay attention to when you first interact with them. Take your time for doing research and comparison between moving companies. While doing research, you should check each company’s licenses, certifications, and affiliations. Ensure that they provide services in both your current and destination countries

If you would like assistance with shipping or relocation support, contact your local Asian Tigers office or reach out to us via our online contact us

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