Greater China Talent Management Summit 2017

Greater China Talent Management Summit 2017

29 Jun 2017 

Date       23 Jun 2017

Time      8:15am – 5:00pm 

Venue    Silverbox ballroom, Hotel Icon, Hong Kong 

The Asian Tigers Group Hong Kong was proud to support the Greater China Talent Management Summit 2017, one of the cornerstone events held every year for HR professionals across the region. With more than 100 attendees, this year’s summit keenly looked into the latest developments of Talent Management and Digital HR. The 2017 edition focused on how new technologies redefine the employee experience in order to gain efficiency and productivity in work processes.

The summit kicked off with a sequence of keynotes from renowned leaders and experts in human resources technology. They shared very valuable insights into the latest trends and innovation happening across Digital HR. They discussed how digital tools are changing conventional HR practices to make them more agile, responsive, and relevant to modern workers’ requirements. Such integration of technology in HR processes was, hence, quite essential for increasing employee engagement and productivity.

The core theme of the summit was how the employee experience would be redefined through digital means. Most of the speakers highlighted how technology is able to provide a more personalized and engaging workplace. With data analytics, AI, and other digital tools, HR professionals will gain further insight into employee behavior and preferences, better tailoring their approaches in order to meet individual needs for greater job satisfaction and higher retention.

Workshops and breakout sessions were also provided at the summit, which equipped participants with hands-on knowledge and tools to implement Digital HR strategies in their respective organizations. These included, but were not limited to, talent acquisition, performance management, and employee development. Hands-on activities and discussions that explored real-world applications of digital solutions in the field of HR allowed participants the chance for engagement during these sessions.

Asian Tigers Group Hong Kong was actively involved in all these sessions, with a lot to learn and share from its own experience. The company has had a long-held belief that effective talent management is one of the key factors that drives business success and was interested in how digital tools could complement and support what they were already doing in this area. The representatives of Asian Tigers Group Hong Kong interacted with other HR professionals who shared ideas and strategies for integrating digital technologies into the HR function.

The key moment of the summit was a panel discussion where some of the leading HR executives came out to share their experiences and challenges in adopting Digital HR. They shared how technology helped them change almost everything from recruitment to onboarding, performance tracking, and employee engagement. Thus, it provided a chance for the panelists to speak to common challenges that link with resistance to change and continuous learning.

The networking opportunities through the summit were invaluable. Peers, industry experts, and solution providers came together in a forum where relationships could be built to help continue efforts in HR innovation. This idea and best-practice sharing created a collaborative environment where participants learned from each other’s successes and challenges.

For the Asian Tigers Group Hong Kong, this would be an experience that enriched experiences in terms of re-echoing their commitment to leveraging technology for better talent management. Insights that one got from the summit would help in enhancing their HR strategies so they remain competitive in the business environment that is rapidly evolving. It provided knowledge and tools to enable them to provide a more engaging and productive work environment for their employees.

In a nutshell, the Greater China Talent Management Summit 2017 was one event that focused on the transformative power of Digital HR. The summit gave insights and tools to HR professionals on how to execute new technologies in a manner that would transform the experience of employees and boost productivity. Participation from Asian Tigers Group Hong Kong further reiterates their commitment to innovating and excellent management of talent. It was not just a learning and networking platform but also an event that further helped the audience love digital transformation in HR for further growth and success.