Employee Appreciation Week

Employee Appreciation Week

31 May 2017

Date       24 Apr 2017 – 28 Apr 2017 

Time      –

Venue    Malaysia 

Recently, Asian Tigers Group Malaysia organized an Employee Appreciation Week in recognition of the high level of commitment from its staff. Activities lined up ranged from health and wellness to employee recognition.

Activities and Events

Health and Wellness

The week also hosted a health and wellness talk and screening to encourage staff to lead a healthier lifestyle. Useful suggestions from experts on keeping the physical and mental well-being of employees in order were achieved by advocating health checkups and healthy practices.

Ergonomic Tips and Yoga Demonstration

Proper workspace and strain-prevention ergonomic tips were distributed among employees. The company sponsored a yoga demonstration that provided useful, easy techniques to lower everyday stress levels and to increase physical flexibility. These programs concentrated on making the workplace comfortable and health-sensitive.

Recognition and Awards

No MC Awards

On that note, one of the week’s highlights was the No MC Awards, with respect to staff who had returned exemplary attendance and commitment. The award recognizes the dedication and reliability of the staff and, hence, reinstates the company’s appreciation for hard work.

Leadership Message

Remarks by Peter Karlsson

Peter Karlsson, Asian Tigers Group Malaysia’s senior representative, thanked the staff. He acknowledged that this was a busy week but explained that the activities were all a way of saying thank you for the gratitude and dedication of the employees over the years. His comment reflected support from the company towards an encouraging and appreciative work culture.

Impact to Employees

Morale Boost

The Employee Appreciation Week lifted staff morale to a very promising and positive level. Staff members were energized by the recognition and activities that resonated with the organization’s continued commitment towards keeping employees well and satisfied.

Team Spirit

The events of the week further ignited team spirit and bonding among the employees. Through undertaking all sorts of activities, both in groups and involving health initiatives, the employees had ample time to get bonded with and support each other, thus further developing their sense of community within the work context.

Looking Ahead

Ongoing Commitment

The Asian Tigers Group Malaysia plans to carry on this type of exercise as it believes that staff appreciation is fundamental to keeping a workforce motivated and productive. Future events will emphasize even more employee satisfaction and the improvement of well-being so that staff feel valued and appreciated.

Continuous Improvement

The company will be enhancing the work environment and strategies related to staff engagement. With regular feedback and the implementation of new initiatives, Asian Tigers Group Malaysia envisions a dynamic work culture that allows it to remain responsive to changing people’s needs.


The Success Story of Asian Tigers Group Malaysia on their Employee Appreciation Week clearly demonstrated the commitment of the company towards recognising and appreciating their people. This focus on employee well-being and appreciation manifested in different health and wellness activities, ergonomic tips, yoga demonstrations, and recognition awards. In this regard, the activities that typified the week turned out to have the best effect on employee morale and team spirit. Successful future efforts in appreciation and support of its employees will go on ensuring a thriving and positive work environment for the Asian Tigers Group Malaysia.