Bangkok Patana School Fun Run 2016

Bangkok Patana School Fun Run 2016

13 Mar 2017 

Date       16 Nov 2016 

Time      6:00am 11:00am 

Venue   Ancient Siam 

Asian Tigers Thailand was proud to be one of the sponsors for the Bangkok Patana School Fun Run 2016, an event that so admirably combined fitness, education, and community spirit. Being held in the wondrous Ancient Siam, it held a unique experience for each of its participants, and in particular, the children who joined excitedly in the run. Not only has Fun Run this year meant exercise, but it also had a hidden element that made all the hassle worth it by raising money for the school’s charitable affairs.

It was Ancient Siam, an outdoor museum just a bit out of Bangkok. Better known as the “Ancient City,” it is a cultural theme park that reproduces all of Thailand’s most famous monuments and architectural marvels—giving the event a beautiful and educational setting. The choice of location lent a special dimension to this Fun Run, whereby participants would run through the replicas of historic sites, steeping themselves in the history and culture of Thai politics while enjoying the physical exercise.

The Fun Run day was an exciting day filled with eagerness. Families, students, teachers, and members from the community came out to Ancient Siam quite early in the morning, poised to take off with whatever activity lined up for the day. The atmosphere is so alive, especially to the children who seemed to keenly want to begin the run. It began with a warm-up led by enthusiastic instructors who got everyone energized and ready to hit the track.

A well-thought-out Fun Run course had been prepared to take participants on journeys through the different periods in Thai history. The run was broken down into epochs and landmarks. As the children jogged along, they got to see replicas of iconic sites: the Grand Palace, Ayutthaya temples, and traditional Thai villages. This was one educational aspect that made this run enriching, combining exercise with a fun history lesson.

The Asian Tigers Thailand sponsorship was a testament to their strong belief in community involvement and commitment to supporting educational initiatives within the community. Through sponsoring the Fun Run, all money raised could then be donated directly to the Bangkok Patana School’s charity fund for use in supporting various charitable activities and projects which benefit the local community. This way, it can uphold one of its missions: increasing social responsibility and raising community involvement among its students.

From start to finish, the kids were very excited and full of energy. The Ancient Siam setting, with its very unique features, helped to keep them interested and motivated in seeing the landmarks along the run. There are cheering parents and teachers from the sidelines, so the atmosphere is very encouraging. In fact, there is something of the spirit of camaraderie and community about this occasion, which feels cheerful to all concerned.

Everybody was greeted with applause and cheering at the finish line. All runners received medals and certificates to recognize their effort and participation in the race. Several post-run activities and refreshments were provided so families could relax and spend the rest of their day leisurely at Ancient Siam.

This 2016 Bangkok Patana School Fun Run would not have been possible without the combined efforts of the school, the sponsors of the event, and lastly, the community. Asian Tigers Thailand was part of holding this event; hence, it requires appreciation from all. This event not only encourages fitness and learning but also helps to tie bonds among the community and emphasizes the need to give back to society.

In sum, the Bangkok Patana School Fun Run 2016 was just such an unforgettable event, full of meaning, which united fitness, education, and charity. In this context, the sponsorship from Asian Tigers Thailand contributed a lot toward making it a successful event, hence showing its responsibility toward the community and social spirit. The running through Ancient Siam provided a special and engaging experience for the children, so it turned into a day of learning, laughter, and the creation of long-lasting memories.