AWA Welcome Back Breakfast

AWA Welcome Back Breakfast

AWA Welcome Back Breakfast 

26 Sep 2018 

Date      11 Sep 2018 

Time      –

Venue   American Club 

Beautiful venue, good food and nice faces in Welcome Back Coffee. American Club. September 11, 2018 Asian Tigers is proud to be part of it.

Asian Tigers supports AWA and has been participating Welcome Back Breakfast for more than 5 years. The event is very popular among its members and new arrivals in Hong Kong. It gathers around 200 guests to the meeting. We can meet friends from different countries, receive updates from the president and get information of upcoming events and activities. 

AWA is a non-profitmaking organization of international women from over 30 nations. Their mission is to support Hong Kong charities and schools through community service and monetary grants. It offers educational, recreational and social activities to our members and connects them with the local community. 

I have been an AWA member for more than 10 years. Through AWA, I have met nice persons and joined many meaningful events. It gives great supports to the society and its members. Their Women on the Way-Up (WOW) group facilitates women supporting women. 

It can be a daunting task to build local connections especially if you have arrived in a new place, the easiest way to meet people is to join a local group. I definitely recommend AWA. You can meet people who shared your experience of being an expat, as well as contribute to the society by joining its social events.