AWA of Hong Kong Warehouse Visit

AWA of Hong Kong Warehouse Visit

2 May 2017

Date      27 Apr 2017 

Time     10:00 am – 1:00 pm 

Venue   Tsing Yi Warehouse 

On April 27, Asian Tigers Hong Kong was delighted to host a fun and educational day at their warehouse for the American Women’s Association of Hong Kong. This event has provided an opportunity for the AWA ladies to take a closer look at the relocation industry, offer a peek at their warehouse facilities, and enjoy a day of learning and camaraderie.

A warm welcome to the members from AWA by the Asian Tigers Hong Kong team; one could feel the excitement of the ladies in meeting each other. Friendly and erudite ladies of the AWA, carrying different experiences and enthusiasm with them, started creating a fascinating and lively atmosphere right from the beginning. The balance of the program, with social interaction and educational exploration, took the day long into memory.

The primary purpose of the visit was to inform the AWA ladies about the industry of relocation. This was well achieved through a workshop arranged by the Asian Tigers team, which covered most aspects of their operations. The workshop began with a presentation about the history, mission, and range of services provided by the company. This introduction was given so that the logistics and other details of international relocations could be discussed in greater detail.

The guided tour of the warehouse was indeed the day’s highlight. Members of AWA were driven around many sections of the facility, getting first hand views of how items are packed, stored, and prepared for shipment. It also included demonstrations on how to pack fragile and highly valued items to ensure safe transport. The ladies were specifically very interested in the up-to-date technology and systems in place with regard to inventory management and shipment tracking that spoke of the sophistication and efficiency of Asian Tigers’ operations.

Questions and discussions with the Asian Tigers staff became part and parcel of the tour. These question-and-answer sessions were light-hearted yet informative, with very interesting insights and experiences shared by the staff that have evolved from the challenges and rewards of working in the relocation business. This kind of open dialogue from both sides created a greater appreciation for the complications involved when moving a home or business across borders.

Besides the warehouse tour and workshop, the AWA ladies also arranged a sharing session of experiences living in different Asian cities. The sharing session was most enlightening and entertaining, with members sharing their stories and tips of life in the various cultural settings. With this sharing session came stories of members recounting their adventures in AWA and some very practical tips for living in the different cultural settings.

A light lunch was served to close the event—of course, yet another opportunity to socialize and network. In an informal setting, people could engage in more casual conversations to further grow the relations between the AWA ladies and the Asian Tigers team. Gratefully, hosts closed the event on a thanking note, appreciative of the AWA’s participation and keenness.

It is Hong Kong’s hope that the Asian Tigers provided very valuable insight into the relocation industry for the AWA ladies, as well as greater appreciation for the work that goes into making international moves as seamless as possible. They look forward to hosting similar events in the future and building off this successful experience to continue engaging with the community and sharing their expertise.

In all, the visit by the American Women’s Association of Hong Kong to our warehouse was truly outstanding. It combined education, exploration, and socialization in a seamless fashion that left one entertained yet enlightened. As has been said before, Asian Tigers Hong Kong was thrilled to have hosted this very dynamic and inquisitive group and looks forward to future opportunities to connect with the AWA and other community groups. The event not only brought loads of knowledge on the relocation industry, but also made everyone feel part of the community, appreciating the hard work involved in relocation services.