AT Singapore - 2017 Company Incentive Trip in Bangkok

AT Singapore - 2017 Company Incentive Trip in Bangkok

AT Singapore 2017 Company Incentive Trip in Bangkok 

24 Apr 2017 

Date       14 Apr 2017 16 Apr 2017 

Time      10:00 am – 5:00 pm 

Venue   Bangkok

Asian Tigers Singapore is pleased to have an Incentive Trip to Bangkok for her staff and their families during Easter break from 14th to 16th April. “We also held the annual Long Service Award Presentation Ceremony to honor our staff at Indra Regent Hotel. It is very fortunate to have them who have many years of dedication and loyalty to us. Our Chairman Eric Lim was himself presented with his 40 years service award. Congratulations to those awardees! We also welcomed Bill & Debbie Reinsch of our Asian Tigers Thailand office joining our party.” – Kathleen Gian 

Coincidently, Thailand was celebrating their Songkran (Water) Festival during the trip and many staff experienced the ‘water-blessing’ in the hot weather. The staff and their families spent a nice vacation during the short Easter break.