Asian Tigers Japan - Border is now open! Get ready to explore Japan with us

Asian Tigers Japan - Border is now open! Get ready to explore Japan with us

Asian Tigers Japan – Border is now open! Get ready to explore Japan with us

22 Nov 2022

Date      : 27 Sep 2022-28 Sep 2022 

Time     : –

Venue  : –

Pick up expert tips and expat hacks on life in Japan at a comprehensive, two-day orientation. Asian Tigers proudly sponsored this Tokyo American Club Connectionsorganized Tokyo expats orientation to thrive in their new home includes talks on a range of topics, from healthcare and culture to food and disaster preparedness, and plenty of opportunities to ask questions. 

The popular program offered newcomers to Japan the chance to mingle, make friends and take advantage of the knowledge of professionals, experienced expats and internationally-minded locals. 

For more information, click here.

Photo credit: Tokyo American Club’s Facebook 

For more Asian Tigers Japan’s news, please take a look at: 

1. Asian Tigers Japan Kick-started the Year of the Tiger with a ROAR!