Asian Tigers Hong Kong Wine Tasting 2016

Asian Tigers Hong Kong Wine Tasting 2016

14 Nov 2016 

Date       10 Nov 2016 

Time     6:30 PM – 8:30 PM 

Venue   Hong Kong Golf Club, Deep Water Bay

Asian Tigers Hong Kong held its annual wine tasting cocktail on 10 November 2016 at the exclusive Hong Kong Golf Club in Deep Water Bay. This year, the event presented a fine array of New Zealand wines, opening up a platform for attendees to learn about and savor the diversities in taste from this high-profile wine-producing country. That was an evening of happy faces, good wine, excellent food, and warm fellowships—all making up a memorable evening.

It was an idyllic setting, much grace added to the evening by the Hong Kong Golf Club. Highly green landscapes and a sophisticated atmosphere made this venue tailor-made for an evening of wine tasting cum socializing. Guests were welcomed into a good ambiance to start off the night.

Although it was quite cool outside, the inside atmosphere was so warm and homely. This event did bring together many new arrivals and some faces, building a good community-like feeling amongst them. It provided a very good opportunity to meet with fellow expats and locals—sharing experiences, having fun, and building new friendships for the new people in Hong Kong.

The New Zealand wines, simply marvelous and full of character, presented the ultimate in pleasure during the evening. The wines showcased at the function consisted of various whites and reds that were handpicked to allow an experience of the best there is in the vineyards from New Zealand. There was an opportunity for guests to taste and sample the various wines with the help of knowledgeable sommeliers who could apprise them of the source, taste, and processes involved in their preparation.

Accompanying the fine wines was a variety of delicious food served. The menu provided was loaded with fine cuisine, specially designed to complement wines. It ranges from savory hors d’oeuvres to sumptuous course meals—food in its own right, a highlight that leaves a remarkably good impression on every palate.

One of the evening’s special moments was an engaging speech by Steve, a high-ranking man from Asian Tigers Hong Kong. His speech was informative and interesting, but at the same time added a personal touch to the event, enhancing the appreciation for the wines presented. Steve’s stories and knowledge formed just the right combination between entertainment and education to make the evening truly pleasurable.

The wine tasting cocktail event allowed guests to share their experiences and preferences regarding the wine. It made the event more successful, with discussions going on and knowledge exchange. Guests appreciated learning from each other and got to know more wines that they might not have ever come across otherwise.

Certainly, the convivial ambiance did not dwindle as the evening reeled by. Fine wine, sumptuous food, lively conversations, and the picturesque setting all made for a time one could never forget. Smiling, the guests finally decided to leave the event, taking a lot of pleasant memories of the night along with them.

This annual wine tasting cocktail by the Asian Tigers Hong Kong is not just a social event but one of joy and culture. By bringing people of diversified backgrounds together, providing them with a platform to connect and share, the event reinforces the company’s commitment toward instilling a sense of belonging with clients and friends. It also underlines the sense of commitment by Asian Tigers Hong Kong towards their purpose—providing unique and enriching experiences to newcomers.

The wine tasting cocktail event organized by Asian Tigers Hong Kong in 2016 was an absolute success. The New Zealand wines theme was refreshing and new; the elegant setting, good food, and warm atmosphere made the evening special. As guests departed, they carried with them the promise of new friendships and wonderful chapters in their Hong Kong journey, all due to the considerate, engaging event that Asian Tigers Hong Kong had planned.