Asian Tigers Hong Kong Sponsored Helena May Community Outreach Event

Asian Tigers Hong Kong Sponsored Helena May Community Outreach Event

1 Feb 2021 

Date 31 Jan 2021 

Time 2:00pm – 

Venue The Helena May & Sham Shui Po

Asian Tigers Hong Kong was delighted to be involved in a very rewarding community outreach event organized by Helena May’s Community Outreach Committee on January 30, 2021. A total of 301 “love bags” with basic items and 301 good wishes were distributed to underprivileged families in Sham Shui Po with the help of the Society for Community Organization.

Event Details

The love bags, so graciously donated by members of Helena May, were to brighten a little the daily needs of these people. In the real sense of giving and community spirit, volunteers from both Helena May and Asian Tigers Hong Kong have played important roles toward the success of the event. Each love bag included items relevant to making a real difference in the daily lives of the recipients, serving not only as material aid but also as emotional support.

Asian Tigers Hong Kong Involvement

Asian Tigers Hong Kong was privileged to be invited to join in this meaningful event. Participation included support in logistics, where it helped in the organization of love bags and their effective distribution. Through active participation and commitment of the company’s staff, their CSR was well represented.

Impact on the Community

It touched the hearts of many Sham Shui Po families by handing out love bags, an initiative that not only supplied much-needed resources but also carried a message of unity and caring. For most of these recipients, the love bags represented more than what was literally in the bags—a sense of awareness in the community and concrete support.

This could only be realized due to the great help from many volunteers at Helena May and Asian Tigers Hong Kong. From organizing the donations to personally delivering the love bags, these volunteers gave time and energy to ensure that everything happened as seamlessly as possible. These contributions were invaluable in demonstrating that volunteerism really does go a long way in fostering community spirit.

Message of Hope

This Helena May-Asian Tigers Hong Kong-SOCO partnership showed the difference that community partnerships can bring about in giving hope to the less fortunate. These were organizations partnering to emphasize and give a life with hope and care through heightened impacts of the gesture. It is an initiative for which the Asian Tigers Hong Kong will never be able to forget the meaningful act of being a part. Indeed, acts of love and care can make the world a better place.

Looking Ahead

The Asian Tigers Hong Kong looks forward to continuing their support of community initiatives and building on the success of this event. It remains committed to creating a positive impact through its CSR programs and fostering a culture of giving within the organization.


The love bags distribution event on January 30, 2021, was a sure way of proving the power of community collaboration and what impactful, thoughtful actions could do. Having Asian Tigers Hong Kong take part in the event arranged by the Community Outreach Committee of Helena May and sponsored by SOCO proved that corporate entities play a huge role in community welfare. With such initiatives, Asian Tigers Hong Kong continues to show their dedication to supporting underprivileged communities.