Asian Tigers Hong Kong has been accorded Caring Company 5 years+ Logo

Asian Tigers Hong Kong has been accorded Caring Company 5 years+ Logo

22 Feb 2023

Asian Tigers Hong Kong is proud to announce it was awarded the “Caring Company” by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service for the eighth consecutive year. It represents one of the greatest awards received by the company regarding its social responsibility and community support efforts. The nomination came from the Hong Chi Association, acknowledging the accomplishments of Asian Tigers and their good interaction through their cooperation.

Social Accountability

Social responsibility remains one of the core corporate values for Asian Tigers Hong Kong. With their commitment to giving back to society, a number of activities for the good of the community have been established. Through participating in various fundraisers put on by the Hong Chi Association, Asian Tigers has contributed monetarily and toward elevating awareness about key social concerns.

Partnership with Hong Chi Association

The collaboration with the Hong Chi Association is one of the sterling examples of the community involvement by Asian Tigers. This partnership has facilitated several successful fundraising events to raise much-needed funds for the association’s activities. This type of partnership is greatly beneficial to the Hong Chi Association, concerned with the welfare and development of persons with intellectual disability, as it amplifies effort and reach.

Recognition and Impact

The “Caring Company” title, awarded for eight consecutive years, is a great success that shows the accomplishment of community service without fail by Asian Tigers Hong Kong. This kind of recognition can be given to those companies that achieve an outstanding level of corporate social responsibility by showing care for the community, employees, and the environment. Therefore, with continuous commitment toward such values, Asian Tigers has built itself into one of the leaders in corporate citizenship within Hong Kong.

Contributions to the Community

Asian Tigers Hong Kong contributes not only by way of monetary donations but actively supports community service through employee participation. It is an approach that continues to instill the culture of giving and volunteerism among its staff. This not only serves the community but greatly enhances bonding and team spirit within the company. Employees get involved in projects of significance to the company’s mission of helping and uplifting those in need.

Upholding Social Responsibilities

As one of the key relocation service providers, Asian Tigers Hong Kong views social responsibilities seriously. The company continues to inculcate these values within the business perspective, reflecting positively on societies in which they have business operations. This kind of approach has given them respect and recognition from the industry and societies where they serve.

Future Commitment

Looking into the future, Asian Tigers Hong Kong knows its social obligation. They had planned to step forward in supporting the commitment to Hong Chi Association and other charitable organizations in making a difference in the community. Their goal is building on the success of past initiatives and finding new opportunities to give back.


Social responsibility long-term commitment is reflected in the eight successive years Asian Tigers Hong Kong is recognized as a “Caring Company.” Their association with the Hong Chi Association is but one of many community efforts that they participate in. Continuing in this effort, Asian Tigers Hong Kong sets the example for corporate citizenship by showing business success hand-in-hand with community support.