Asian Tigers and Tai Tam Tigers

Asian Tigers and Tai Tam Tigers

3 Jul 2017

Not so long ago, the Hong Kong International School junior soccer team, the Tai Tam Tigers, enjoyed an outstanding season of great performances and community service in impressive smart Asian Tigers sports T-shirts. The team did not play to win but acted out some enviable values towards the environment, reflecting their sponsor, the Asian Tigers Group.

As such, each season of the Tai Tam Tigers was full of different soccer tournaments, too many successes from which these lads learned who they are and at what level their soccer skills are. The hard work paid off, and such outstanding results kept coming out from this team. It could be noted that every game played, the team spirit and friendship were reflecting in the playing ground; with every player bringing their own contributions to the collective success of the team, not only the local tournaments but also international competitions.

One of the highlights of the season was the team’s participation in the JSSL Singapore Professional Academy 7s, which took place in May. More than 200 Tigers and parents made the journey from Hong Kong to Singapore for this prestigious event. On the part of the Tigers, making that journey to the tournament spoke of dedication and commitment to the sport. The Tai Tam Tigers also fielded teams against other teams from around the region. Sportsmanship and skill combined to produce a good deal of success that created school and community pride.

Besides fabulous on-field performances, the Tai Tam Tigers engaged in many other broad-minded socially-relevant charity biddings. In the meantime, during the season, the team participated in several meaningful charity events, using their platform to help bring about a positive impact on the community. This not only helped people in need but also created in young players a sense of responsibility and empathy for others.

Environmentally friendly is another main value followed and upheld by the Tai Tam Tigers. In reality, the positive attitude or values the team maintains towards the environment support the rationale as to why the Asian Tigers Group has been their sponsor all these years. Indeed, through their practices and other activities, it is obvious how the same attitude or approach towards the environment is being followed. The team ensures that the players inculcate eco-friendly behavior both on and off the pitch; in effect, instilling the concept of saving the environment.

For the past seasons, the Tai Tam Tigers have had a great sponsor in the leader of international relocation solutions, Asian Tigers Group. Its sponsorship does not simply provide sports gear but more importantly a mutual commitment to building up on sound values and more holistically, creating the young athlete. Asian Tigers Group will be proud when it sees its invested values—the very same excellence, teamwork, and community spirit—upheld high as the Tai Tam Tigers will stand up for what the company believes in.

The Tai Tam Tigers are now going to march forward on their successful and impactful journey. With dedicated coaches and supportive parents, along with the Asian Tigers Group, it had the makings of a team that could step up and scale new heights in the face of fresh challenges. Their recent achievements serve as an inspiration to other young athletes and a reminder of the importance of balancing sports excellence with social responsibility.

It’s been an outstanding season for the Tai Tam Tigers, with shining performances in many tournaments and so much to give back to the community. Their commitment to their sponsor, Asian Tigers Group, for positive environmental values and charitable activities really does reflect the very basic philosophy of the sponsor. As the team continued performing, they remained truly an inspiration in respect of how sports can be a very clear platform for personal development and social impact. In saying so, what the Tai Tam Tigers did was quite simply one of the great examples of how sports can work wonders in changing lives while instilling values that will stay with an athlete throughout his life.