A "Must Have" item - Octopus Card

A "Must Have" item - Octopus Card

A “Must Have” item – Octopus Card

23 Mar 2017

The Hong Kong Octopus Card is an absolute MUST for residents and visitors alike. With the simple swipe of our Octopus, you can ride the MTR, Trams, buses, minibuses, pay at McDonalds, 7-11, cinemas, grocery stores such as Wellcome and Park ‘n Shop and for vending machine purchases. Octopus cards are mandatory as most public car parks. New outlets added all the time. It is an incredible time saver and an indispensable convenience. 

Each time you use your card, the transaction amount and the remaining value shows on the Octopus card reader or the printed receipt. Moreover, you can arrange with your bank to “top-up” your card automatically when the balance falls below a certain amount. 

There are two types of Octopus cards; “Sold Octopus” and “On-Loan Octopus”. It is easy to differentiate between the two types. The former comes with no initial store value so you need to add value before using it. The remaining value is refundable within the expiration date. It is a bearer type of instrument so do not lose it. Anyone in possession can use it.

For the “On- Loan Octopus”, you are required to pay a refundable deposit of $50. There is no expiration date. It has four options including Child, Adult, Elder and Personalized (with your name and photograph.) This one has greater security but you should view your Octopus card the same way you view cash.

You can buy Octopus cards in any MTR customer service kiosk, as well as all 7-Eleven and Circle-K convenience stores. 

If you do not already have an Octopus card, make this one of the first items on your “to-do” list when you arrive in Hong Kong.