2018 Australia Day BBQ

2018 Australia Day BBQ

8 Feb 2018 

Date       27 Jan 2018 

Time      –

Venue   Shanghai

On Saturday, January 27, 2018, one of the most famous organizations in Shanghai representing the Australian business community there—the AustCham Shanghai—held its annual Australia Day BBQ. With approximately 200 guests, the party became akin to one of the real highlights that pulled members of the Australian community together in Shanghai to rejoice, eat food, and socialize. The event was held in a festive atmosphere befitting Australia Day, a national holiday celebrating Australia’s culture and achievements.

Asian Tigers China, an international relocation solutions provider, was delighted to sponsor this event with the provision of critical equipment and different activities that had to be organized in order to make sure the young ones attending the function left with great memories. This cooperation between AustCham Shanghai and Asian Tigers China demonstrated the close bonding with the community and further reiterated their commitment to give back and support the expatriate community here in Shanghai.

The BBQ event was not only about Australia Day celebration but also a family-friendly event where kids were given due importance. They ensured that the kids remained cozy and occupied all through the day. They arranged coloring activities, which provided more time for quiet and self-expression to kids. For more dynamic enjoyment, there was a badminton setup and a fussball table, which came in quite handy for the young visitors. Another key thing that went down well with most of the children was the bouncing castle, which provided much laughter and constant excitement.

There was, interspersed with all the fun and games, a philanthropic element to the event. AustCham Shanghai did offer the opportunity to raise funds for their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) partners. More than RMB 16,000 was raised through an excellent raffle draw and silent auction. This most handsome amount will be turned over for consideration toward different CSR initiatives, showing that the community is giving back and making a difference.

Of course, the raffle draw and silent auction were the big items in the program. Many prizes were available and greatly appreciated from community members, individuals, and local businesses. There was some kind of anticipation and intrigue in a raffle draw that provided a sort of thrill for the day. Everyone awaited announcements of the winners, hoping to take home some fantastic prizes while knowing that all their contributions were for good.

Beginning with one of the most simple yet effective means of getting people out on an event, face-to-face encounter, how much the Australia Day BBQ was able to succeed can be attributed to the professionalism in its organization, which is backed by high levels of community spirit amongst the Australian expatriate community in Shanghai. This was an event that brought old friends together once more, forged new friendships, and gave each of them a chance to celebrate their common heritage in a foreign land. The event had the support of Asian Tigers China, which catered to all ages of people, particularly the kids, for a good time.

In summary, the 2018 AustCham Shanghai Australia Day BBQ had many elements of success. The event united the Australian community in Shanghai for a day of celebration, fun, and philanthropy. It provided entertainment to the guests and enjoyment while at the same time rendering a meaningful contribution to local CSR initiatives. Events like this help bind the expat community together and give them a sense of belonging. This partnership between AustCham Shanghai and Asian Tigers China is indicative of the difference corporate sponsorship can actually bring to such community events.